National S.T.E.M. AND S.T.E.A.M. DAY

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Empowerment Through Bridging the Digital Divide

National S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. Day 2023

November 8, 2023

Overtown Children and Youth Coalition understands the importance of knowledge for the empowerment of our community’s students. We support their growth in academics, particularly in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. The emphasis on hard and soft learning skills for critical thinking and problem solving is crucial for their development. Students strong in these areas are better prepared for the future world they will lead. OCYC’s goal is to ensure our children and youth of Overtown will rank high amongst future leaders.

I used to struggle with math. But the S.T.E.M. afterschool program helps me to do much better.

- David S., Student

Closing the Technology Gap

To advance this mission, we launched the OCYC Laptop Scholarship Program in 2021. Annually, we invite applications from Overtown students. Awardees are chosen based on their need and grade level, with a priority given to those without a laptop at home or sharing one among family members.

The program goes beyond providing laptops. We arrange two years of free internet service via Miami Connected Initiative. Their organization provides no-cost broadband internet service, education resources, digital skills, and career opportunities for students and their families in Miami-Dade County.

Transforming Lives, One Laptop at a Time

To date, the OCYC Laptop Scholarship Program has held three award ceremonies to award 125 laptops to youth applicants across Overtown and surrounding neighborhoods. The annual goal is to continue to award laptops until policies change so that every child in Overtown has a personal computer.

Empowering Futures through Digital Access

This initiative is the head start our children and youth desperately need to compete and thrive in the marketplace of today and tomorrow. OCYC is committed to assisting students who cannot participate in digital learning because they do not have access to reliable devices.

I'm so thankful for a laptop of my own. It makes it easier to do my homework.

- Tasha P., Student

Empowering Through Education: The Road Ahead

This fall the OCYC Laptop Scholarship Program will award the laptops on National S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day, Wednesday, November 8. During the community event, we will highlight the importance of the learning skills and their impact on the students’ future success in the workforce and as leaders. The combined events will further instill the importance of knowledge in the students and further empower them.
Join us in closing the digital divide for our community's youth. Click below to learn more and donate, helping OCYC bridge the gap in digital access and empower the next generation.