Latest Past Events
Healthy & Safe Committee
Healthy & Safe Zoom Meeting FLDate: 4th Wednesday of the Month* Time: 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.** Join the meeting: Meeting ID: 817 989 866 One tap mobile 13126266799,,817989866# US (Chicago) 19294362866,,817989866# US (New York) Committee Purpose: The goal of the committee is to increase and improve mental resilience, wellness, and healthy lifestyle choices by designating and creating safe community […]
Accountability Committee
Accountability Zoom MeetngDate: 3rd Tuesday of the Month* Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon** Join the meeting: Meeting ID: 630 593 957 One tap mobile 19294362866,,630593957# US (Chicago) 19294362866,,630593957# US (New York) Committee Purpose: The purpose of the Accountability Committee is to discuss and development collective Data Sharing strategies, protocol for specific programs and potential funding […]
General Membership & Community Meeting
General Membership & Community Zoom Meeting FLDate: Quarterly, 3rd Wednesday* Time: 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.** Join the meeting: Meeting ID: 393 814 221 One tap mobile 13017158592,,393814221# US (Germantown) 13126266799,,393814221# US (Chicago) *Dates may be subject to change, please sign up for meeting notices. **Denotes committees that align with the Together For Children plan for Overtown.